Anti-gun Republicans Raising Funds in NYC


Anti-gun Republicans Raising Funds in NYC

Indiana’s Dick Lugar to sip cocktails with Michael Bloomberg

Birds of a feather sure do flock together.


Indiana’s Dick Lugar to sip cocktails with Michael Bloomberg

Birds of a feather sure do flock together.

So it’s no surprise that the country’s most anti-gun Republican mayor, Michael Bloomberg, invited the U.S. Senate’s most anti-gun Republican member up to his New York City residence for cocktails and a fund raiser next Monday.

Senator Dick Lugar of Indiana never met a gun control bill he didn’t like, and his F-rating from GOA is well-deserved.

Bloomberg, of course, founded the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns.  Bloomberg, conveniently, thinks virtually all guns should be illegal.  So MAIG is simply yet another gun prohibition organization.

While Bloomberg and Lugar may get along fine, his Republican primary opponent, Richard Moudock, is reaching out to gun owners throughout the state.

The Indiana Republican primary for senate is one of the most important races in the country for gun owners, and we don’t have to wait around for November to hand the anti-gunners a massive defeat.

The May 8th primary features two candidates who are diametrically opposed on the Second Amendment:


  • Dick Lugar does not agree that the Second Amendment protects an individual right.


  • Richard Mourdock believes the message of the Second Amendment is clear: “shall not be infringed” is a restriction on federal power to regulate gun ownership.


  • Dick Lugar doesn’t trust the people with firearms, so he supports banning semi-automatic rifles that he erroneously calls “assault weapons.”


  • Richard Mourdock understands that gun bans don’t stop criminals, but only hamper the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.

    • Dick Lugar believes you should submit to a waiting period before you purchase a handgun, hence “enjoying” a little time to “cool off.”


    • Richard Mourdock believes that it’s the Congress that should “cool off” and stop passing bill after bill that ignores the Constitution.


    • Perhaps worst of all, Dick Luger supports UN efforts to pass the small arms treaty, a treaty that could impact every gun owner in America.  Dick Lugar was the ONLY Republican Senator NOT to come out in opposition to the treaty.


    • Richard Mourdock will never vote to hand over any authority to the UN.


    This Senate election is particularly important in the event that Barack Obama manages to win another term.  If Obama is reelected, Dick Lugar means one more vote for anti-gun Supreme Court justices, the small arms treaty and other anti-gun legislation.

    The choice for Senator could not be more clear.

    Make no mistake, however, Dick Lugar will be hard to beat.  He’ll have almost unlimited money pouring in from the party establishment in Washington, and he’ll be calling in favors everywhere.

    But Lugar can be defeated with the help of tens of thousands of gun owners and sportsmen from across the country.

    Richard Mourdock, currently the State Treasurer of Indiana, is virtually tied with Lugar in the polls.  This is our chance to defeat a politician who has been a thorn in the side of gun owners for more than three decades.

    So please visit Richard Mourdock on the web at and chip in a few bucks to help his campaign.  Lugar is spending millions of dollars, so please do all you can to help the Mourdock campaign go toe-to-toe with Lugar.

    We don’t have to wait until next November to start beating the anti-gunners.  Please help to get things rolling in Indiana today!

    P.S. Dick Lugar has been voting against gun rights for more than 30 years.  His opponent, Richard Mourdock earned the support of GOA-PVF for his strong stance for your gun rights.  Please visit Richard online today to make a financial contribution.

    Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.