Campaign 2012: GOA Has Already Endorsed the First Candidate


— Steve Daines for U.S. Senate, Montana

— Steve Daines for U.S. Senate, Montana
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Gun Owners of America has two major goals in 2012:

First — make Barack Obama a one-term President.

Second — make Harry Reid the minority leader in the Senate.

I traveled to Bozeman, Montana on Saturday, November 13th to deliver the Gun Owners of America endorsement for Steve Daines for United States Senate to defeat John Tester in 2012.

Remembering that the 13th was less than two weeks after the November 2nd Election, a time when most people were worn out and resting from the hard work of the last few months, I was blown away by the crowd in attendance.

There were at least 200-300 people in the room on that Saturday morning to listen to Steve Daines give his announcement speech… and he didn’t disappoint them.

In a speech that highlighted the roots of his family (5-generations) who came to America and settled in Montana, he also stressed saving our economy, cutting taxes, putting the federal government on a major diet and PROTECTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

Music to my ears.

Folks, this guy is the real deal.

After Daines gave his announcement, it was my turn to give the Gun Owners of America endorsement, which was easy since I had the chance to spend time with and to learn about Steve over the past few months.

And it was easy since he is running to unseat Senator John Tester, who has an “F” rating from GOA.

Tester is the poster boy for voting pro-gun on one item and then stabbing pro-gunners in the back and voting anti-gun on the next.

Some examples:

Tester voted to confirm anti-gun leftists Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court for many years to come.

Tester voted not once, but twice, for the so-called “Disclose Act,” which was a blatant attempt by sitting members of Congress to stop groups like Gun Owners of America from giving the voting records of elected officials around election time. This legislation was so blatantly political that it even gave ‘exemptions’ to some groups to campaign while trying to stop others from doing anything!

Tester voted to confirm radical anti-gun U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who, as you will recall, was one of the key figures in the Clinton White House in pushing the ban on semi-automatic firearms.  Today, Holder advocates the reinstatement of the Clinton gun ban.

Senator Tester voted for Obama-appointed “regulatory Czar” Cass Sunstein, who believes hunting is outdated and should be stopped and that animals should have legal representation against humans in court.

Senator Tester — are you listening? Gun Owners of America won’t let our members and the pro-gun voters of Montana and America forget how you voted on these key issues before you face the Montana electorate in 2012.

I hope every American and every organization that believes in the Constitution of the United States, and the crucial need to protect it, has the same chance I’ve had to get to know Steve Daines in the very near future.

If they do, I guarantee you that he will have the money and the volunteer workforce to get the job done in 2012 and he will be elected Montana’s next United States Senator.

You can bet that Gun Owners of America and our members will do all we can to help.

If you want to help Steve, go to :

This is one time where the term “piling on” is a good thing.

Tim Macy
Gun Owners of America