Holder on the Hot Seat
— Urge your Senators to turn up the heat. The fallout over the Obama Administration’s gun running scandal — known as Operation Fast and Furious — continues to pick up steam
— Urge your Senators to turn up the heat
“I’ve been trying to think what rational explanation there could be for creating and doing Fast and Furious the way that they did it where they let these guns walk away. And I can’t come up with anything short of thinking that this was a political ploy to bring gun trafficking into Mexico into the news to support some sort of anti-firearm agenda.” — Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), July 13, 2011
The fallout over the Obama Administration’s gun running scandal — known as Operation Fast and Furious — continues to pick up steam. The national media continues to reveal how more and more people in the Administration knew that guns were “walking” south of the border.
The latest revelation came this week when Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer admitted that he was familiar with the “gun walking” tactic, and that he supposedly regrets not having taken action.
Breuer made this confession while testifying before the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on crime and terrorism on Tuesday.
Earlier this month, Attorney General Eric Holder testified before the full Senate Judiciary Committee. And, as in the House, Senators sought to learn: “What did Holder know, and when did he know it?”
As more information comes to light, it seems all too clear that Operation Fast and Furious was simply a way for the administration to make a case for more gun control restrictions.
Rep. Farenhold demonstrated that he “gets it” when he noted that Fast and Furious was simply a “political ploy to bring gun trafficking into Mexico into the news to support some sort of anti-firearm agenda.”
And considering the number of agencies that were involved in this operation (ATF, FBI, IRS, DEA and ICE), it seems implausible that Attorney General Holder was ignorant of what was transpiring, especially when one considers that he was receiving regular updates from his subordinates.
Holder has claimed he only found out about Fast and Furious this year. But House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa says:
How is it that the Number Two, Three, Four at Justice all knew about this Program but the Number One [Attorney General Eric Holder] didn’t? Is it because he said “don’t tell me”? Is it because they knew what they were doing was wrong and they were protecting their boss? Or is it just that Eric Holder was so disconnected ….
As we have stated all along: Either Holder is lying about the fact he didn’t know early on about Fast and Furious or he is inept. Either way, Eric Holder needs to step down.
ACTION: Please urge your Senators to join the more than 30 Representatives who have already called for Eric Holder’s resignation.
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