Next Hostettler Vote Set For Monday
Hostettler Vote Put Off Until Monday
— Make sure you’ve delivered the message below to your Rep.
(Weekend edition, June 24, 2000) — Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN) is still in the “on deck circle” waiting to offer his pro-gun amendment to the Justice Department funding bill (H.R. 4690).
Rep. Hostettler had planned to offer the amendment on Friday, but debate over the appropriations bill has tarried quite long and pushed several proposed amendments into next week.
Hostettler’s provision will stop the Justice Department from being able to enforce the recent Smith & Wesson agreement. If this amendment passes, the government will be prohibited from taking S&W — or any other company — to court for failing to abide by the terms of that agreement.
This amendment will especially encourage those businesses that manufacture guns to refrain from joining Smith & Wesson. Several manufacturers are refusing to do so, and this protection will strengthen their resolve. Moreover, the amendment will prevent the Clinton administration from using extortion (via the threat of a lawsuit) to coerce gun makers into joining the gun control agreement.
1. Please call or fax or email your Representative and ask him to support the Hostettler amendment that will be offered to the Commerce-Justice-State bill (H.R. 4690). Use the GOA Legislative Action Center at to identify and contact your Rep. You can also call the House of Representatives at 202-225-3121, or toll-free at 1-888-449-3511.
2. Forward this alert to as many gun owners as possible and ask them to contact their Congressman this weekend or on Monday. The vote on the Hostettler amendment will be held late Monday after 6:00 P.M. Thus, there is still plenty of time to contact legislators.
——URGENT Pre-written message ——
Dear Representative:
I support the amendment that Rep. John Hostettler is expected to offer to the Commerce-Justice-State appropriations bill (H.R. 4690). This important amendment will stop the Justice Department from in any way enforcing the gun control “legislation” that was foisted upon the country in the Smith & Wesson agreement back in March.
The Smith & Wesson agreement is legislation through litigation, and it would regulate and restrict ALL firearms sold by dealers that carry Smith and Wesson products. This horrible agreement is not limited to just S&W. It will also restrict the sales of firearms made by Glock, Remington, H&K, etc.
Almost as dangerous is the fact that the gun control in the S&W agreement was unilaterally imposed by the President’s administration upon the people of this nation.
Gun Owners of America supports the Hostettler language; and I hope that you will also support this amendment to the CJS funding bill. Please let me know what you intend to do.