Romney, Huntsman Stonewall Gun Owners
Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman turn deaf ear to gun owners
As New Hampshire voters get set to head to the polls on Tuesday, Mitt and Jon Huntsman continue to ignore requests from gun owners that he return the GOA candidate questionnaire.
Thank to your efforts, we’ve heard from most of the Republican candidates, including Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. But Romney and Huntsman continue to turn a deaf ear to the Second Amendment community.
Romney’s stonewalling is no surprise. After all, he is on record supporting a semi-auto ban and waiting periods for gun purchases. Still, he has the audacity to travel around the country claiming to be a supporter of the Second Amendment.
If he truly has “changed his spots,” then why not commit in writing to support specific Second Amendment issues?
For instance, would he veto a semi-auto ban, something he signed into law as Governor of Massachusetts? Will he reverse the Obama administration’s support of the massive UN small arms treaty? And what about executive orders, gun owner registration, and a host of other issues important to gun owners?
Jon Huntsman views on gun rights are largely unknown, but as the former Utah governor creeps up in the polls in New Hampshire, gun owners are becoming increasingly interested in his positions.
Huntsman said over the summer that he would “absolutely veto” a semi-auto ban, but he has not elaborated further.
There are some 100 million gun owners in America. It is outrageous for ANY candidate for elected office to ignore this vast segment of the population.
ACTION: Please contact the Romney and Huntsman campaigns and urge them to complete the GOA candidate questionnaire.
Romney campaign contact info
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (857) 288-3500
Huntsman campaign contact info
Phone: (603) 836-5643