UN Gun Ban Conference Drawing to a Close


The United Nations’ month-long talks on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) are drawing to a close on Friday.
And though there’s still no consensus among negotiators, the latest draft document reveals a treaty that could have serious implications for your Second Amendment rights.

The treaty itself covers trade in weapons ranging from battle tanks and battleships, to small arms and light weapons (e.g., your gun collection).

Its most dangerous aspects center on arms transfers and record keeping.  Language supposedly written to cover international transfers is so vague that it opens the door for regulating domestic transfers of firearms as well, which in turn would require gun owner registration.

The language of the treaty is intentionally fuzzy (you can read it here:http://iapcar.org/?p=970
).  The UN global gun haters know that if they go too far at one time against American gun rights, the treaty would be rejected.

The gun grabbers know they’re running a marathon, not a sprint, and they are content in using the one-slice-at-a-time approach to undermining   U.S.   liberty.

The late Senator Jesse Helms – no fan of the UN – wrote back in 1959:

“Compromise, hell! … If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?”

GOA  agrees, and we have worked with Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) to get Senators on the record opposing a treaty that takes even a thin slice of our liberty.

Sen. Moran’s letter, which was signed by fifty of his colleagues, warns that in requiring nations to take “appropriate measures” in furtherance of the goals of the ATT, the treaty “will be used to push the  U.S.  in the direction of measures that would infringe on both Second Amendment freedoms and the   U.S.  ’s sovereignty more broadly.”

The Moran letter, and that fact that he rallied fifty other Senators go on the record against the treaty, is significant.  It puts the anti-gun side well short of the 67 votes needed to ratify a treaty.

But getting Senators to sign a letter is one thing, getting them to actually vote against a treaty is another.
Gun Owners of America has prepared a petition you can sign, which will go right to your two  U.S.   Senators, urging them to flatly reject the anti-gun ATT.
Please, take a moment right now to sign the petition
While it’s great that we got fifty Senators to publically oppose the treaty, keep in mind that there are at least 50 Senators who are willing to side with despots and dictators over   U.S.   sovereignty!

GOA  has laid the groundwork.  Since it first came up more than ten years ago, we have led the charge to make gun owners aware of its implications.

And thanks to your activism, we can win this battle.  But we can’t let up.  Let your Senators know what you think of the UN treaty by signing a petition that will go straight to their inboxes
We are proud of the members who faithfully fight alongside  GOA  as we protect and defend the liberties that we enjoy, and as we work together to stop the global UN gun grab.

Tim Macy
Vice Chairman

PS — The UN is finishing up its work on the UN gun ban treaty right now. It’s important that you sign the petition to your two U.S. Senators so they know there is tremendous opposition to a treaty that will undermine our Second Amendment rights
And to help us keep millions of gun owners engaged in this fight, consider a contribution to Gun Owners of America