WV: Joe Manchin is “Open” to Banning AR-15s
Joe Manchin is Teaming Up with Radical Gun Controllers
Dear friend:
Gun owners in West Virginia know that complacency will let the anti-gun forces dictate to us the limits of our rights from Washington DC.
And it appears that West Virginia’s own US Senator, Joe Manchin, is caving on your right to keep and bear arms.
Many West Virginians desire to own firearms for defense of themselves and their loved ones. In fact, the desire for self-defense is one of the reasons we have the Second Amendment and Article 3-22 in the West Virginia Bill of Rights.
Nonetheless, Sen. Manchin has teamed up with some of the most radical anti-gun forces the swamp has to offer. In fact, he has joined up with a group of nine senators, who are scheming up ways to infringe upon our rights after the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas.
Joe Manchin is advocating for “raising the age” to buy a long gun to twenty-one as well as red flag gun confiscation. Further, he’s now open to banning so-called “assault weapons.”
This is an egregious attempt to violate our rights and cultural beliefs here in West Virginia. These restrictions place an unnecessary burden on West Virginians who just want to feel comfortable defending themselves or their families with a familiar firearm platform.
West Virginians strongly cherish the right to keep and bear arms, and we need to remind Sen. Manchin who he represents. Please urge Joe Manchin to stand up for your RIGHTS!