Stutzman Leads Among Hoosier Voters
February 22, 2016
For Immediate Release
Stutzman Leads Among Hoosier Voters
(Springfield, VA) – Congressman Marlin Stutzman enjoys a commanding double digit lead in the Republican primary for Indiana’s open U.S. Senate seat, according to a poll released by Gun Owners of America.
In a poll conducted on February 18th among likely Republican primary voters, Rep. Stutzman garnered 30.7%, while his challenger, Rep. Todd Young, came it at 16.5%.

GOA chairman Tim Macy said he was not surprised to see Rep. Stutzman poll so strongly with Indiana voters.
“Hoosiers respect the Second Amendment,” Mr. Macy said. “And every time gun rights are under attack, Rep. Stutzman stepped into the fight.”
“Just look at his record. When President Obama issued a crushing tidal wave of executive actions that chip away at the Second Amendment, Rep. Stutzman immediately struck back and is leading the charge in the U.S. House to block the unconstitutional power grab by the president.”
The Stutzman bill, the “Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act,” now has 76 cosponsors.
Rep. Stutzman is also the author of a bill to recognize concealed carry permits across the nation, and he leads a Second Amendment task force made up of the most pro-gun members of the U.S. House.
“Marlin Stutzman has a perfect, 100 percent pro-gun voting record,” Macy said. “So it’s no surprise that he is popular with Hoosier voters.”
GOA polled 831 registered Republican voters statewide, with 52.8% remaining undecided.
Gun Owners of America is a grassroots lobbying organization with more than one million members and supporters nationwide.