7/03 Paul U.N. Amendment to H.R. 1950

Paul Amendment To H.R. 1950
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

July 15, 2003

Dear Representative:

Later today, the House will vote on an amendment offered by Congressman Ron Paul to H.R. 1950. The Paul amendment would remove the U.S. from the United Nations and its instrumentalities.

On behalf of 350,000 gun owners nationwide, we would urge you to support this critical pro-gun amendment.

In recent years, the United Nations has been a leading agitator for anti-gun activism on an international level.

In 2001, the United Nations sponsored a gun control conference at which, according to one news reporter, officials admitted they want to “strip small arms from all non-governmental individuals.”

Just last month, the U.N. sponsored a “Week of Action Against Small Arms.”

This is the same organization which sat by passively as the U.S. moved to defend itself against the (armed) international terrorists who are attempting to destroy our country, our Constitution, and our way of life.

The Paul amendment will send a forceful message to the advocates of international and personal disarmament in the face of mounting threats.

Therefore, Gun Owners of America urges you to support the Paul amendment. We will rate a vote for this amendment as a pro-gun vote.


Larry Pratt
Executive Director