2/01 GOA Letter Re: HUD Secretary Martinez

GOA Letter Re: HUD Secretary Martinez
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

February 27, 2001

Dear Representative:

Last year, the House of Representatives voted to defund the so-called Communities for Safer Guns Coalition, a syndicate intended to encourage and assist anti-gun lawsuits around the country. Unfortunately, the conference committee ignored the will of the House and stripped the amendment from the HUD appropriations bill.

Now, Rep. John Hostettler is petitioning the new HUD Secretary Mel Martinez to pull the plug on the coalition. Under the Clinton regime, the coalition was assisting cities and localities all over the country to bring lawsuits against the gun makers of America. This was outrageous and was completely out of line with what Americans want. A Zogby poll last year found that 2/3 of the people say it’s illegitimate to bring lawsuits against gun manufacturers or to hold them liable for the criminal misuse of guns.

The supporters of Gun Owners of America hope that you will join Rep. Hostettler in petitioning Secretary Martinez. If you have already signed the letter, we thank you. But if you have not already done so, please ask Hostettler’s office for a copy of the letter and sign onto it. It’s time to stop our tax dollars from going towards efforts that will tear down the Second Amendment. Thank you.


Larry Pratt
Executive Director