Sen. Jim DeMint Leading Charge Against Anti-gun ObamaCare
Written by
John Velleco
Published: 03 February 2010
The Hill reports that Republican Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is laying down roadblocks that could thwart the ObamaCare agenda.
GOP finds loophole in reconciliation ploy
By Alexander Bolton – 02/03/10 06:00 AM ET
As it turns out, Senate Democrats may not be able to force healthcare legislation through the chamber on a simple majority vote.
Republicans say they have found a loophole in the budget reconciliation process that could allow them to offer an indefinite number of amendments.
Though it has never been done, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) says he’s prepared to test the Senate’s stamina to block the Democrats from using the process to expedite changes to the healthcare bill. [Read more in The Hill]