Gun Control Killed Russian Students
He sent the following letter to every member of Congress today, the text of which follows:
“The world watched in horror as Islamic jihadists murdered hundreds of men, women and children at a school in Beslan, Russia.
“One horrible, deadly fact tells us that the tragedy could happen here — teachers in this country are just as disarmed as the defenseless teachers in Russia.
“It should be noted that ALL the school shootings that have been prematurely cut short here were ended because a responsible adult had a firearm at the school. Assistant Principal Joel Myrick of Pearl, Mississippi is a notable example — he used a firearm in 1997 to stop Luke Woodham’s shooting spree.
“It would be a travesty if the Gun Free School Zones Act was used to prosecute an American hero such as Joel Myrick. Please deny funding for any prosecutions that could arise under this gun ban, except for the situation where a person has the intent to criminally injure another person. Putting such language into an appropriations bill could accomplish this.
“We are in a war without boundaries. Please act now.
“Israel relies on armed parents and school staff to protect their children. We should do no less.
“Before her election to the state House of Representatives, Suzanna Gratia-Hupp was in Luby’s cafeteria when her parents were killed before her eyes. She was unarmed because of a state law banning citizens from carrying guns. She told the Texas legislature that their law left her parents’ blood on their hands.
“She was right. And to leave schools legally disarmed at the national level can only put the blood of future victims on your hands.”