Well-Born’ Students Have Armed Protection in Elite Schools
While elitist gun control zealots send their children to expensive private academies with armed guards and the latest state of the art security systems, regular public school students must rely on brave, unarmed teachers throwing themselves in front of deranged killers as their first line of defense.
Using the wealth and status of parents to determine which students have the right to be protected should have every liberal do-gooder screaming for equal treatment.
Instead, we have progressives like Chris Christie, Mayor Bloomberg and reporter David Gregory accusing the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre of wanting to turn public schools into “armed camps” while they send their own kids to high-priced armed camps. Huh?
What about equality and fairness for all when it comes to guarding the nation’s children?
Malia and Sasha Obama not only benefit from around the clock Secret Service protection, the elite school they attend, Sidwell Friends, employs special police officers trained in the appropriate use of deadly force. Are their lives and those of other millionaire children worth more than non-elites?
It’s the same story with Meet the Press host David Gregory whose kids attend Sidwell. And how about Michael Bloomberg? His daughters went to the exclusive, well secured all-girls Spence School in New York’s Upper East Side. Rahm Emanuel, Bill Ayers, Arne Duncan, the Obamas, Valerie Jarrett and a host of Chicago insiders have sent their little heirs to the exclusive University of Chicago Lab Schools which routinely hires armed police officers as part of its security plan.
[readon2 url=”http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/12/well-born_students_have_armed_protection_in_elite_schools.html”]Read the rest at American Thinker[/readon2]