59 Socialists In Congress
On the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, The Progressive Caucus is affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, which, in turn, is the American affiliate of the Socialist International. Congressional Caucus members, I would contend, should actually be called Socialists rather than Democrats. Unlike their European counterparts, these homegrown American Socialist Congressmen try to refrain from showing their true authoritarian colors. Such displays would be too risky in an America that is still steeped in traditional freedoms. There are still enough of us out here who would boot them out of office if they revealed too much of their true stripe.
Socialists, like Communists, Nazis, Klansmen, or other political groups, rightfully enjoy the same constitutional protections as the rest of us. Unlike their more radical aforementioned counterparts however, the socialists believe in changing the system by “boring from within” rather than through illegal violence and sedition. As such, they prefer legislation, often filled with deceptive legalese and passed through Congress by duplicitous means, as their choice of arms in their quest toward revolutionary goals. Socialists are gradualists rather than extremists. They are slowly chipping away at our G-d given rights.
Freedom loving Americans would be well advised to keep a close eye on socialist Congressmen. While they may talk like the rest of us, especially when sojourning in their respective districts, they operate from a different paradigm. If they decide to support a war against Iraq, for example, or any other intervention overseas, their motives would more likely be based on an agenda that seeks to entangle the US in a new world order than in protecting the interests of sovereign America.
As a matter of principle and as an article of faith, socialists support a socialist world government as an ultimate goal. The method they employ is the gradual transfer of constitutional responsibilities from elected American legislatures to international agencies accountable to no one. Socialists are apt to support such things as international standing armies, an international tax, the transfer of American capital to third world dictators, and the surrender of congressional responsibilities to the UN, the WTO, the IMF, UNESCO and now the International Criminal Court. Whenever communistic protocols emerge out of a UN sponsored conference, as is always the case, and whenever such un-American protocols are rejected by a still largely patriotic Congress, the socialist congressmen and their allies will more than likely try to foist the protocol on the American people through a back door.
Socialists believe in sovereignty eroding entanglements abroad and big-state socialism at home. They support high taxes on working people with the money transferred to bureaucracies staffed by their friends. They support a welfare state that oppresses poor people, especially minorities, who then become their constituents. They support left-wing judges who are willing to subvert the democratic power of Congress by making laws from the bench. While they support mandatory public education, mandatory labor unions, mandatory racial quotas, land-grabbing environmental regulation, and thought control in the form of hate speech legislation, they turn around and become downright libertarian when it comes to pornography, abortion, sex, drugs, homosexuality, and other agendas that debauch the citizenry.
Following is the Sept. 2002 membership list of the Progressive Caucus:
Neil Abercrombie -- Hawaii Tammy Baldwin -- Wisconsin Xavier Becerra -- California David Bonior -- Michigan Corrine Brown -- Florida Sherron Brown -- Ohio Michael Capuano -- Massachusetts Julia Carson -- Indiana William "Lacy" Clay -- Missouri John Conyers -- Michigan Danny Davis -- Illinois Peter DeFazio -- Oregon Rosa DeLauro -- Connecticut Lane Evans -- Illinois Eni Faleomavaega -- Am Samoa Sam Farr -- California Chaka Fattah -- Pennsylvania Bob Filner -- California Barney Frank -- Massachusetts Luis Gutierrez -- Illinois Earl Hilliard -- Alabama Maurice Hinchey -- New York Jesse Jackson Jr. -- Illinois Sheila Jackson-Lee -- Texas Stephanie Tubbs Jones -- Ohio Marcy Kaptur -- Ohio Dennis Kucinich -- Ohio Tom Lantos -- California Barbara Lee -- California John Lewis -- Georgia Jim McDermott -- Washington James P. McGovern -- Massachusetts Cynthia McKinney -- Georgia Carrie Meek -- Florida George Miller -- California Patsy Mink -- Hawaii Jerry Nadler -- New York Eleanor Holmes Norton -- D.C. John Olver -- Massachusetts Major Owens -- New York Ed Pastor -- Arizona Donald Payne -- New Jersey Nancy Pelosi -- California Bobby Rush -- Illinois Bernie Sanders -- Vermont Jan Schakowsky -- Illinois Jose Serrano -- New York Hilda Solis -- California Pete Stark -- California Bennie Thompson -- Mississippi John Tierney -- Massachusetts Tom Udall -- New Mexico Nydia Velazquez -- New York Maxine Waters -- California Diane Watson -- California Mel Watt -- North Carolina Henry Waxman -- California Paul Wellstone -- Minnesota Lynn Woolsey -- California