GOA countering misleading polls about guns
Our God-given rights are on the chopping block.
Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate are being shown MISLEADING opinion polls on Americans’ attitudes on guns.
That’s why I need YOUR help getting the TRUTH to the House and Senate when it comes to Americans’ real opinions about guns.
We need to BOMBARD every House and Senate office with nonstop letters to show just how many Americans want the government to leave our rights alone!
Your voice will help drown out the phony polls being shoved in politicians’ faces by the anti-gun lobby.
Our message must be clear: if a Senator or Representative chooses to stab gun owners in the back, then we will not show up to vote in November.
Even the anti-gun New York Times admitted that polls are failing to accurately gauge Americans’ sentiments about gun control.
This is an actual headline of a recent NYT article: “Voters say they want gun control [but] their votes say something different.”
Instead of looking at polls, politicians should start looking at the RECORD NUMBER of gun purchases that began in 2020 when major cities across America became engulfed in riots.
Whether or not Americans say they want gun control, they’re clearly lining up to buy guns in droves!
The truth is: polls fail to capture the INTENSITY voters feel about a particular issue. The voters who claim to want some vague policy called “gun control” tend to care very little about it.
But on the flip side… those of us who understand the clear and unambiguous text of the Second Amendment care DEEPLY about the issue.
One GOA survey found that 78% of gun owners classify themselves as single-issue voters when it comes to guns.
That stat will be very concerning for many so-called “pro-gun” Republicans who think they can cruise to victory this November now that Biden and Kamala are plummeting in the polls.
But our job is to remind them – and every Senator – that they cannot take our votes for granted.
Gun owners will not vote if we’re stabbed in the back, because we rightly understand that it doesn’t do any good to “win” if winning means losing our freedom…