H.R. 591

H.R. 591 –

This is the gun show ban. It would provide for comprehensive and open-ended regulation and inspection of gun shows. But, more importantly, it would create a two-year prison sentence for any gun show sponsor who failed to notify EVERY attendee of his responsibilities under the Brady Law. No sane person would sponsor a gun show under these circumstances. In addition, the bill would significantly increase criminal sentences for recordkeeping violations by FFL’s or for Brady Law violations.

H.R. 591


This is the gun show ban. It would provide for comprehensive and open-ended regulation and inspection of gun shows. But, more importantly, it would create a two-year prison sentence for any gun show sponsor who failed to notify EVERY attendee of his responsibilities under the Brady Law. No sane person would sponsor a gun show under these circumstances. In addition, the bill would significantly increase criminal sentences for recordkeeping violations by FFL’s or for Brady Law violations.

[readon2 url=”http://gunowners.org/112bills.htm”]See All Firearms Legislation In The 112th Congress[/readon2]