Gun Owners Must Vote!

Gun owners must vote!

A recent study estimates that roughly 10 million gun owners nationwide are currently not registered to vote. But if all gun owners would get out and vote, we would singlehandedly have the power to control this election! Your vote can make a colossal difference.

Do you need to register, check your status, or request mail-in ballots to prepare to defend your rights in November? We’ve got the answers below. Don’t miss your chance to make a difference and protect our Second Amendment.

  • If you are not registered to vote or need to update your registration, please visit
  • The deadline for registration and early voting can be found here at
  • Absentee and mail-in ballot applications can be found here at

The 2024 general election this year takes place on November 5th, but early voting will occur in several states.

Tell your friends, register to vote, and show your support for pro-gun candidates! If gun owners don’t vote, a tyrant from California will sit in the White House and issue order after order infringing on our rights for at least the next four years.