Gun Control Is Gun Control, Whether Legislative or Regulative
Gun Control Is Gun Control, Whether Legislative or Regulative
In the wake of the heinous October 1 Las Vegas attack, legislation to ban bump stocks has been introduced and a request that the ATF re-evaluate bump stocks has been made.
Democrats are predominantly driving the legislative bump stocks ban while the NRA is asking the ATF to issue more regulations on bump stock accessories. The key to understanding these approaches is to understand that either avenue — legislative or regulative — represents gun control.
The Democrats’ bump stock ban comes from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who, on October 8, told Face the Nation that no law would have stopped the Vegas attacker. She followed that admission by saying, “we need a law” banning bump stocks. She said ATF regulation would not be sufficient; a law is necessary.
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The Democrats’ bump stock ban comes from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who, on October 8, told Face the Nation that no law would have stopped the Vegas attacker. She followed that admission by saying, “we need a law” banning bump stocks. She said ATF regulation would not be sufficient; a law is necessary.