[CCW IN ACTION] Teenager Puts Gun In Driver’s Face, Demands Sunglasses — Gets Bullet Instead
[CCW IN ACTION] Teenager Puts Gun In Driver’s Face, Demands Sunglasses — Gets Bullet Instead
A 17-year-old boy is listed as being in critical condition after he tried to rob a concealed carrier at gunpoint. The event took place late Wednesday afternoon in Detroit’s east side. A young father who was working as an exterminator saw a teenager approach him and try to rob him for his sunglasses.
His sunglasses.
Not his wallet, not his ride, not his cell phone – his sunglasses.
Joe Lanier, 24, said to WXYZ, “the boy tried to rob me, and I shot him. That’s what happened.”
Police are still investigating because that’s the standard operating procedure but as we reported recently, there’s a rise in armed teen thugs looking to make a name for themselves by stepping up to strangers with guns. And what are they learning? Well, for those that succeed – they’re sure to learn it’s a great way to get what they want. And for this 17 year-old in the hospital fighting to hold onto life – he learned that it didn’t pay off exactly like he was expecting.