08/95 H Res 210: Discharge Repeal Bill
Stockman Moves to Force Vote on Semi-auto Ban Repeal
by Gun Owners of America
(Friday, August 4) — Last night, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) set the wheels in motion for a September showdown on the semi-auto ban repeal. Rep. Stockman introduced a rule (H.Res. 210) to prohibit anti-gun amendments when the House considers his bill to repeal the semi-auto ban.
Following the August recess, Stockman intends to file a discharge petition to force House consideration of his semi-auto ban repeal under that rule. By introducing the rule (H.Res. 210) last night, Stockman has now set the wheels in motion for geting the House to vote on a pure gun ban repeal. Stockman’s upcoming discharge petition will pull the “Bartlett/Stockman Assault Weapon Ban Repeal Act” (H.R. 464) out of the Judiciary committee and bring the bill to the floor for an immediate vote — under a rule that prevents any and all anti-gun amendments.
[House rules state that in order to file a discharge petition, members must wait seven days from the time the rule is introduced. (H.Res. 210 was introduced last night.) Because the House will be recessed within a week, Stockman must wait until September before filing the actual discharge petition.]
The “Bartlett/Stockman Assault Weapon Ban Repeal Act” (H.R. 464) was introduced by Reps. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) and Stockman in January. The bill is superior to other repeal bills which have been introduced in the House, as one in particular (H.R. 1488) would federalize many state crimes and expand the power of the BATF.
* Mail and fax your Representative and ask him to sign the upcoming Stockman discharge petition (to be filed pursuant to H.Res. 210) that will bring the semi-auto ban repeal for a vote. If Rep. Stockman gets 218 signatures, then he can bring up H.R. 464 (the gun ban repeal) for an immediate vote. It is imperative that we flood legislators with mail before the discharge petition is introduced. This way, we can ensure getting the needed signatures as quickly as possible.
* Call 1-800-417-1486 and get postcards to distribute in support of Stockman’s upcoming discharge petition. There is plenty of time. Again, because the House rules require that the rule (H.Res. 210) sit idle for seven days, and because the House will be recessed at that time, Stockman will not be able to file his discharge petition until September. So order your postcards today!
* Get the facts on H.R. 1488 and the BATF enhancement provision. The Bartlett- Stockman bill (H.R. 464) is infinitely superior to H.R. 1488. If you join GOA, you will receive the August 15 newsletter which contains a step-by-step analysis of the problems with H.R. 1488. (GOA membership is $20.) Call 1-800-417-1486, join GOA and get the facts on H.R. 1488!