01/95 HR 464: Gun Ban Repeal
Repeal the Assault Weapons Ban!
Calls needed to support Bartlett – Stockman bill
by Gun Owners of America
(January 20, 1995) — Last week, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) and Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) introduced H.R. 464 — a bill to repeal the gun control provisions in the Crime Bill.
It is imperative that you call your Congressman and ask them to cosponsor this bill!
It is also important that you ask your Congressman to not cosponsor an alternative bill introduced by Rep. Jim Chapman (D-TX). His bill would also repeal the gun control provisions, but it is important that the Bartlett/Stockman bill get as many cosponsors as possible so that their bill is the one that Congress considers.
Here’s why: Rep. Chapman is not a gun rights supporter! He is a gun control advocate who received a D rating from GOA before the election. But he is from Texas, so this bill might be a way for him to appease pro-gun voters in his district. Consider Chapman’s voting record:
* Rep. Chapman voted for the Crime Bill on August 21, 1994. In other words, Chapman actually voted to help pass the assault weapons ban!
* On May 5, 1994, Rep. Chapman voted for the “rule” to bring the assault weapons ban to the House floor for debate. He might claim that Democrats like himself typically support these “rule” votes. But the truth is that real pro-gun Democrats will vote against these rule votes if it means killing an anti-gun bill. Pro-gun Democrats like Rep. Harold Volkmer (MO) and Rep. Pete Geren (TX) are just two examples. Last May 5, Democrats like Volkmer and Geren put principle ahead of their Party and voted against the rule. That is, they voted against bringing the assault weapons ban to the House floor for a vote.
* Rep. Chapman voted for the Brady bill on November 10, 1993. Also on that same day, he voted against a preemption amendment that would have struck down state waiting periods and licensing laws that were stricter than the Brady bill.
We could go on and on. But here’s the point: Rep. Chapman is not the one to take the lead on repealing the ban. When it comes time for negotiations, we need people like Reps. Bartlett and Stockman — people who are principled; people who have already shown themselves to be pro-gun stalwarts; people who will tell the leadership, “We will not compromise!”
Remember, during the fight to pass the McClure -Volkmer bill, Sen. McClure came under tremendous pressure to compromise. As the lead sponsor, he was the one who would negotiate over specific provisions in the bill. McClure was pro-gun and yet there were times when he should have remained tougher and stood his ground.
Can we count on Rep. Chapman to stand his ground when the offers to compromise begin? Chapman is a Democrat — can we count on him to put President Clinton on the spot?
* Call your Representative (202-225-3121) and ask him to cosponsor H.R. 464 — the Bartlett/Stockman bill. Ask him NOT to cosponsor the Chapman bill, H.R. 125. Use Chapman’s votes listed above if you need to. But let your Congressman know that Chapman has not been with us in the past. Rep. Bartlett has already shown he’s with us — he’s an A rated Congressman. And the A rated freshman, Rep. Stockman, has already shown himself to be one of the most uncompromising fighters in the House.