Pro-gun victories the media won’t tell you about
Celebrate Independence Day in a Way that Would Make the Founders Proud, with a Brand New AR-15!
In celebration of Independence Day, GOA is giving away a Copper Custom, one-of-a-kind AR-15 rifle to one of our most steadfast supporters! Enter to Win here!
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The Media is Hiding Pro-Gun Victories from You
Dear Friend:
I know, you’re shocked, right?
The media is hiding the truth? “Tell me something that I don’t already know,” you say.
Well, we have just passed the half-way mark for the year — and, wow, what a busy year it’s been so far.
The anti-gun Left has tried to capitalize on several shootings — most especially, the one in Parkland, Florida.
Some legislators wilted in the aftermath of the Parkland shooting, and that allowed gun control to pass in certain parts of the country.
But the activism of GOA members has been crucial to killing anti-gun legislation.
If you only listened to the liberal media, however, you would think that we are losing miserably.
Although that couldn’t be further from the truth.
GOA Grassroots Activists Chalking up Victories Coast-to-Coast
The mainstream media wants to keep you in the dark when it comes to good news.
So consider just some of the highlights that we have been able to accomplish with the help of our activist members:
- Oregon gun confiscation defeated. A GOA-backed lawsuit led to the withdrawal of two virulently anti-gun ballot initiatives. You can read here about the lawsuit brought by the Oregon Firearms Federation, and how it prevented a gun confiscation initiative and more from being voted on this November.
- Gun Confiscation Orders defeated in Pennsylvania. GOA’s Larry Pratt spoke at the state capitol in opposition to Gun Confiscation Orders, which are commonly referred to as “red flag laws.”
GOA then rallied gun owners in the state on multiple occasions to lobby their Representatives against the legislation. A state legislator told GOA that the vigorous push against gun control recently convinced the House Speaker to spike the anti-gun legislation. You can read about this fantastic victory here. - Coast-to-coast victories. In addition to Pennsylvania, GOA has been very active in fighting Gun Confiscation Orders across the country. And to date, we have been able to stall or defeat these gun control bills in more than a dozen states. You can read a USA Today article that our Legislative Counsel authored in opposition to these red flag laws here.
- Gun bans repealed. And if you blinked, you probably missed the scant media coverage on the most significant gun-related court case in a century. On June 26, I spoke in front of the steps of the Supreme Court to celebrate how the Heller case has resulted in multiple gun bans around the country being repealed or struck down in court. You can view that speech by clicking here.
Good Viewing and Reading for your July 4 Vacation!
As you celebrate Independence Day this week, you may might enjoy a number of Second Amendment-related videos and articles that you may have missed:
- Larry Pratt in Revelation. For starters, go ahead and pre-register for a free movie screening that will take place later this month. It’s a movie in which GOA’s Larry Pratt makes a cameo appearance. The movie, Revelation, Dawn of Global Government, stars Charlie Daniels, Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin and our own GOA Executive Director Emeritus. You can pre-register here for the FREE Movie Screening on July 12-22.
- Caught on camera. Check out the incredible video of a Brazilian mom who, as an off-duty cop, used her weapon to shoot an armed attacker right in front of a school. Viewable on GOA’s YouTube page, the conflict was all caught on camera and should serve as a lesson for anti-gun liberals in the United States.
- GOA’s interview with Pro-Gun Activist Mark Robinson. Mark Robinson’s passionate speech went viral after a city tried to ban a local gun show. GOA had the pleasure of interviewing Mark and making him a life member of GOA for his efforts.
- ICYMI: The GOA rally video that went viral. GOA hit the streets during the March for Our Lives demonstration to find what the protestors’ true intentions were for gun control in America. The video was stunning in how much ignorance it revealed.
- GOA’s Heller brief the most hard-hitting. The readers of TownHall were reminded recently how GOA’s amicus brief on behalf of the Heller case was, in the words of the editors at USA Today, the most hard-hitting of all the briefs. Click here to see why.
- Winning the hearts and minds of the next generation. Are educators weaponizing our children against the Second Amendment? Or is the pro-gun community making inroads? Click here to see GOA’s response to these questions.
Anyway, I hope that you will have a great July 4 holiday with your friends and family.
We will have a lot of battles on the other side of our Independence Day holiday. So stay tuned!
In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Executive Director
P.S. Thank you for standing with GOA this year. If you’ve let your membership lapse, make sure to renew your membership in Gun Owners of America today for only $20!