Either of Your Senators Could Determine Whether Anti-gun Loretta Lynch Gets Confirmed

ACTION: Contact your two Senators. Urge them to commit to you to be THE SENATOR who will challenge any ruling of the chair allowing Lynch to pass on the basis of fewer than 60 votes.

Last chance to defeat Lynch; Senate vote coming soon!

Your Senators can determine whether Schumer-protégé and anti-gun loon Loretta Lynch is confirmed as Attorney General of the United States.

They can determine whether Lynch will be given the opportunity to use her position to ban semi-autos by executive fiat.

They can determine whether Lynch becomes the fifth-antigun-vote-in-waiting for the Supreme Court — poised to overturn Heller and McDonald when Antonin Scalia’s or Anthony Kennedy’s seat becomes vacant.

And, they can determine whether the lawless Obama and his chorus of anti-gun press acolytes does another victory dance over the lifeless corpse of the increasingly feckless Senate GOP.

Why does it come down to your two Senators? Because any Senator can determine whether the Senate votes on whether to abide by its rules requiring 60 votes to break a filibuster of Lynch.

And Lynch does not have 60 votes.

Here’s the deal: Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate requires 60 votes to break the expected filibuster of the Lynch nomination.

Now, former Majority Leader Harry Reid has, repeatedly, scheduled fraudulent votes where the Senate “passed” nominees who didn’t have 60 votes. This fraudulent maneuver, called “the nuclear option,” was nothing but a cheat-scheme.

But here’s the problem: You can race your car up and down at 80 miles an hour as many times as you want. But that doesn’t mean the speed limit goes away — just because you violate it.

Similarly, the Senate rules requiring 60 votes for Lynch have not disappeared, simply because the lawless Harry Reid has repeated spat on them.

But the Senate rules are not going to enforce themselves. We need either one of your U.S. Senators to challenge any unlawful ruling by the Senate president that claims to shut down a filibuster of Lynch with fewer than the required 60 votes.

And they may be the only ones who are willing to do that. But, if they do, our bet is that not a whole lot of Republicans are willing to re-affirm Reid’s vile nuclear precedent — and, in the process, cast the deciding votes to confirm the hated and anti-gun Lynch.

ACTION: Contact your two Senators. Urge them to commit to you to be THE SENATOR who will challenge any ruling of the chair allowing Lynch to pass on the basis of fewer than 60 votes.