Feinstein’s Gun Ban to Affect Millions of Law-abiding Gun Owners
But Universal Background Checks still pose the greatest threat to gun owners right now
Late last week, Senator Dianne Feinstein reintroduced her much anticipated gun ban. Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee spent several hours discussing her bill and other gun control proposals. Her bill (S. 150) would ban millions of shotguns, rifles and handguns that Americans legally own, and possibly –depending on statutory interpretation — could ban all magazines of whatever size. It would do this by supercharging the 1994 semi-auto ban by:
* Banning all semi-autos with just one cosmetic feature (pistol grip, forward grip, folding stock, grenade launcher, barrel shroud, threaded barrel);
* Banning all semi-autos with fixed magazines of over 10 rounds (but see below as to how a sneaky “loophole” may use this to ban ALL magazines of any size);
* Banning any part that is designed to accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-auto (use your imagination concerning what parts might help you shoot faster with greater accuracy);
* Banning all “AK types,” “AR types,” or any “variant (i.e., any weapon which is similar to most of the popular firearms in America — and use your imagination with respect to what is similar enough to be a “variant”);
* Banning all Glocks (because there is a full-auto version which these are, arguably, a variant of);
* Allowing for grandfathering and transfer of semi-autos (but prohibiting the transfer of magazines and prohibiting the transfer of semi-autos without a Brady Check); and
* Banning all magazines that can be “readily restored … [or] converted” to accept more than 10 rounds.
(QUESTION: Does “readily” modify “converted” or does it merely modify “restored”? How will the ATF interpret this? If it’s the latter, the bill will ban ALL magazines of whatever size.)
While Feinstein’s gun ban would be horrendous, if enacted, there are many reasons to believe that it faces an uphill climb in the Congress. And this means the most dangerous threat to gun owners right now is the expansion of background checks to cover ALL PRIVATE GUN SALES.
So our Senators need to hear the American people saying that NO GUN CONTROL is acceptable.
ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and urge them to OPPOSE all the gun control that is currently on the table: the Feinstein gun ban (S. 150), Universal Background Checks and all the President’s initiatives. The only “gun proposal” that we will support is repealing the Gun Free School Zones gun ban!