Indiana Could be the Thirteenth Constitutional Carry State!
Indiana Could be the Thirteenth Constitutional Carry State!
Click on the Take Action button to urge your state representative to support Constitutional Carry!
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Your Activism is Needed to Make Indiana the Next Constitutional Carry State
Dear Friend:
Constitutional Carry is the true intent of the Second Amendment — carrying a firearm without government permission.
And it has been introduced into the Indiana legislature by state representative — and GOA Life Member — Jim Lucas as HB 1159.
Rep. Lucas truly understands gun rights, as he told a local news outlet,
“To me it’s immoral and [even] criminal … to force an innocent person to jump through hoops and pay money to the state to prove their innocence and exercise a constitutional right.”
And I couldn’t agree more!
But now I need your help. Please urge your state representative to support Constitutional Carry!
There’s over 700,000 lawful concealed carriers in Indiana. Constitutional Carry would allow for all citizens to keep and bear arms without unneeded government permission — just as the founders intended.
So please take action and contact your state representative to support Constitutional Carry.
In Liberty,
Jordan Stein
Public Relations Coordinator
Gun Owners of America
PS: Paired with the current reciprocity bill in Congress, if enacted, residents from permit-less carry states will be able to “Constitutionally-Carry” across the United States. So please take action now!