Here They Come– Again
The Senate Just Won’t Quit
— Look out for Free Speech Ban and Hatch’s Horror Bill
(Wednesday, September 9, 1998)– Well, the holidays are over and Congress is back to work. And while you were at those weekend barbecues enjoying your vacation, legislators in Congress were scheming to rob you of your cherished rights.
Anti-gun legislation, that had previously been derailed thanks in large part to your efforts, is back on track and could soon be voted on.
For example, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) abruptly brought up his Horror Bill for debate last week, but he could not get a Unanimous Consent agreement that would have allowed a vote on the bill.
Gun owners should remind their Senators that they do NOT want Hatch’s anti-gun crime bill (S. 10). This bill still applies RICO (racketeering) penalties to minor gun infractions and would increase penalties on gun owners who take their kids handgun shooting without a written note of permission.
In other news, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) promised a vote on the Incumbent Protection Bill which would restrict the free speech rights of citizens that organize together (like your GOA) to influence legislative policy. While this legislation claims to reform campaign finance laws, it would really prevent the ability of groups like GOA to keep you informed on how your legislator is voting. A vote on this bill is scheduled for tomorrow– Thursday, September 10.