Help Gun Owners of America stop the UN’s continuous attempts to destroy the 2nd Amendment
The Arms Trade Treaty, under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, would have the power of a Constitutional Amendment and would, in effect, repeal the Second Amendment guarantee of the right to bear arms.
While the UN Arms Trade Treaty has been temporarily halted, at least until after the fall elections, it is important to realize what the UN ATT will mean to the Second Amendment if it regains momentum and is signed by President Obama and ratified by the U.S. Senate.
NATIONAL REGISTRATION: If ratified, as stated in Article 2 Paragraph 1 of the ATT, the U.S. would have to “establish or update, as appropriate, and maintain a national control list that shall include the items that fall within paragraph A1…” A1 includes all small arms.
OPPRESIVE REGULATIONS ON TRANSFERS: Article 6 paragraph 3, the U.S. would be required to set up an “effective, transparent and predictable national control system regulating the transfer of conventional arms…” For anyone who has ever had to deal with or has heard of the headaches with transferring firearms in New York City, that system will become the law of the land.
IMPORT BAN: Article 8 Paragraph 2, requires the U.S. to “put in place adequate measures that will allow them, where necessary to monitor and control imports of items covered by the scope of this Treaty.” This will this prevent U.S. gun owners from buying foreign guns and parts and will also crush the U.S. firearm industry by eliminating all foreign sales.
But what about the Constitution you ask…
The Arms Trade Treaty, under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, would have the power of a Constitutional Amendment and would, in effect, repeal the Second Amendment guarantee of the right to bear arms.