Anti-gun Amendment Possible
Gun Battle Expected in the House Tomorrow
— Please contact your Representative
(Monday, July 16, 2001) — The anti-gun nuts are real angry with Attorney General John Ashcroft these days. Recently, Ashcroft reduced the amount of time that the FBI can keep “Brady” records on gun buyers to a mere 24 hours.
Well, the Brady Bunch wants the government to hang on to that gun-buyer registration information for at least 90 days.
So Sarah Brady is backing an amendment which anti-gun Rep. James Moran (D-VA) is expected to offer tomorrow. The provision, requiring the Justice Department to keep instant check records on gun buyers for 90 days, would amend the Commerce-Justice-State appropriations bill. That bill is still unnumbered.
[The best answer to the Moran amendment would be legislation by Rep. Joel Hefley (R-CO). His bill, H.R. 1460, would actually go farther than the Ashcroft position by requiring the “immediate destruction” of ANY and ALL information that might help identify lawful gun buyers.]
ACTION: Please contact your Representative and ask him or her to oppose the Moran amendment which would require the FBI to keep background check information for 90 days. Ask your Representative to support any legislative provision that would require the “immediate destruction” of Brady registration records.
You can call your Representative at 1-877-762-8762 (toll free) or at 202-225-3121. To identify your Representative, see the Legislative Action Center at on the GOA website.
NOTE: There is an outside chance that Rep. Moran will run into procedural roadblocks that would prevent him from offering his anti-gun amendment. Regardless, it never hurts for your Representative to hear from you on this issue.
Attention Pro-gun Business Owners! The GOA webmall, expected to open near the end of next month, will allow merchants to sell guns, ammo, and firearms-related merchandise through the GOA website. Best of all, there are NO up-front costs to vendors — and NO ongoing account fees. For details on how your business can become a part of this ground-breaking enterprise, please contact GOA via e-mail at [email protected] or by fax at 703-321-8408.