Winning Hearts And Minds Of The Next Generation
Rep. Stockman Helping GOA Start Gun Clubs On Campus
— Do you know someone who can help win the hearts and minds of the next generation?
Do you know someone who is pro-gun, who likes working with college age kids, and who is in need of a full-time job in the fall?
Well if so, former Rep. Steve Stockman (R) has a deal for him.
Stockman is the Director of the Campus Leadership Program (CLP) in northern Virginia. The CLP is a project of the Leadership Institute, which trains conservative activists and places them in key level positions around the country — both in government and the media.
The CLP project focuses specifically on college campuses, helping conservative students start independent groups that are fighting to reclaim the campus from decades of leftist abuses. The CLP has started 722 conservative clubs in schools in all 50 states.
But they have very few gun clubs, which is something they would like to change.
That’s why this is a unique opportunity for someone who likes working with college-aged kids. They can help the pro-gun cause in the fall by starting a GOA gun club on campus or by working as a field representative. Every field rep who starts a gun group will be paid between $400-500. Kids can make as much as $1,000 a week.
But realize, it’s not just about the money. It’s about preserving our Second Amendment rights.
It doesn’t matter how many battles we win today. If we lose the hearts and minds of the next generation, we will never win the ultimate battle to regain our lost rights.
ACTION & CONTACT INFORMATION: If you know someone who is interested in helping start a GOA gun club on campus, please send his contact information to Steve Stockman at the Campus Leadership Program. You can reach Steve Stockman at the Campus Leadership Program by using one of the following methods:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 800-827-5323
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