Anti-gun ObamaCare Celebrates One Year of Lies and Screw-ups
ObamaCare turned one-year-old this week. And what a year it’s been!
Remember the promises that ObamaCare would reduce the deficit? Well, that didn’t happen.
Not since “Rosemary’s Baby” – a ground-breaking film about the birth of the son of Satan – has a one-year-old brought so much bad news during its first year of life.
But, believe it or not, ObamaCare turned one-year-old this week. And what a year it’s been!
Remember the promises that ObamaCare would reduce the deficit? Well, that didn’t happen.
Remember the promises that ObamaCare wouldn’t affect your gun rights in any way? Well, the law will still compile all your health-related medical records into a massive computer database, which the FBI will be able to cull in order to determine whether you have a condition which would justify a gun ban.
GOA has reported on people like Wayne Irelan, who returned from Iraq with a Purple Heart and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. When his wife took over the family’s finances, the VA began paying Sgt. Irelan a small stipend.
The Veterans Administration then used this as a basis to define him as “mentally incompetent” and stripped him of gun rights — just like the other 150,000-plus veterans who have also been disarmed.
Remember the dismissive pronouncements concerning Constitution-loving Americans who didn’t believe that Congress could force them to buy health insurance? Now, 27 states (a majority) have obtained judgments that ObamaCare is unconstitutional.
The Obama administration is going on a vitriolic attack against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whom it fears will be the deciding vote to throw their legislative abomination into the garbage can of history.
But we can’t count on the Supreme Court to do the right thing. Not with a court including Left-wing crazies like Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, nor with a Senate contingent that was not willing to stand up to them.
We have to INSIST that Congressmen who ran under the banner of REPEALING AND REPLACING the health care law will actually vote to defund ObamaCare on the next available spending bill.
ACTION: Contact your senators and representative. Insist that they oppose any more “continuing resolutions” or other government spending bills unless they defund ObamaCare.
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