Rabidly Anti-gun Executive Takes His Oath Of Office
But good news on Border Patrol Agents
“I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear ….”
As our new President takes his oath of office today, the war against our rights is soon to begin. In fact, it has already begun, as Obama’s choice for Attorney General (Eric Holder) is one of the most anti-gun picks that he could have made.
As we mentioned in last week’s alert, Holder supported policies — during his tenure in the Clinton administration — that were aimed at driving the nation’s gun dealers and manufacturers out of business. As part of an Obama administration, he will have even more power to continue his war against gun owners.
At lot has happened since you received our alert last week. GOA was asked by the Judiciary Committee to testify at the Senate hearings on Eric Holder, as we were the ONLY national gun group that has told Senators we will rate their vote on confirming Holder.
We also “hammered” one of the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee — Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah — in his home state after he announced his support of the Holder nomination.
Last week, GOA issued a stinging alert and mobilized its members in the state of Utah after The Hill reported on January 12 that Hatch “will support Eric Holder’s nomination for attorney general, giving him a major boost toward confirmation.”
GOA is never timid about putting the heat on faltering legislators, no matter what their party affiliation. Strangely, GOA was disinvited from appearing before the Judiciary Committee, and not allowed to present testimony.
Well, the Committee might try to squelch our voice, but they cannot squelch yours. Your Senators have to answer to you — and they need to hear that an Attorney General who just argued (in the DC v. Heller case) that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms does NOT deserve to be confirmed.
Please take the recommended action suggested below, even if you have already contacted your Senators. This is just too important.
And now for some good news … Bush commutes the sentences of Ramos and Compean!
You might remember that, last month, GOA and its members issued a strong plea to President Bush, urging him to pardon Ignacio Ramos and Jose Antonio Compean — two Border Patrol agents who were sentenced to ten years in prison in 2007 for shooting a smuggler.Their conviction was fraudulent, as there is no such crime as “using a gun in a federal crime.”
Because this precedent could greatly impact all gun owners, GOA got involved in this case and submitted amicus briefs in the courts. If the feds can prosecute its own agents on trumped up charges for “using” a gun in a crime, then why not also a mom or dad who is driving their kids through a gun free school zone while armed?
Well, good news arrived yesterday when President Bush — as one of his last acts in office — listened to GOA members and commuted the two agents’ sentences! We wish a full pardon had been granted, erasing their felony conviction, but at least they will be home soon with their families.
What’s Your Current GOA Status?
Obviously, we now face years of invigorated attacks on our gun rights. Shutting down gun shows, prohibitions on specific calibers, another semi-auto ban, and the anti-gun extremists’ Holy Grail of mandatory federal licensing and registration of all gun owners — these are just some of the horrors that we already know we’ll have to defeat head-on.
It can’t be done without every single voice being counted. That’s why we are asking you to consider making the commitment of becoming a Gun Owners of America Life Member. By doing so, you put the politicians on notice that neither you nor GOA is going away — that no matter who’s in the White House, there is always going to be a solid wall of resistance.
Now is a perfect time to come a Life Member. In addition to providing GOA an infusion of much-needed funds, you can take advantage of a free firearms inventory software promotion.
And if you aren’t a GOA member at all, isn’t it time you became one? Or maybe you are a current member and can’t commit to Life at this time, but could spare another small additional donation. In those instances, the free software also applies… because GOA is doing all it can at this time to line up the troops for the battles that surely must be fought.
Please click here to upgrade your participation in GOA.