The Defense of Self and Nations

Whom would you rather have protecting your family and nation? Rambo? Or Bambi? – Jason Mattera, author of Obama Zombies.

With each passing day it’s become easier and easier to doubt the depth of Barack Obama’s Christian faith. If we put aside his outright hostility towards Israel there is another glaring clue that reveals his personal worldview as one fundamentally at odds with the Judeo-Christian worldview. Obama revealed that clue with an announcement regarding a new defensive strategy for dealing with non-nuclear nations.
The notion of stating up front that the U.S. will not use nuclear weapons in response to a biological or chemical attack at the hands of a non-nuclear nation is predicated upon the liberal assumption that making nice promises assures that others will reciprocate by behaving nicely. But those with a realistic view of human nature realize such a strategy makes about as much sense as promising to levy a petty fine in response to grand larceny. It also makes as much sense as reserving the punishment of death for the taking of a life and withdrawing it for “lesser” crimes like rape.
Of course, it isn’t enough to criticize the president for his naiveté without offering clear instructions on how to deal with dangerous enemies. So I would like to offer some advice based on my experiences in dealing with unhinged liberals who read my columns and mistakenly assume that threats of violence will deter me from exercising my constitutional rights.