Free men don’t dial 911

We’ve arrived at that place Ben Franklin warned us of when he shared his concern that one day Americans would trade liberty for security. He had a frightful anticipation that a day might come when the citizens of this country would exchange their liberties, risky as they were, for the comfort and security offered by government. And here we are, with food stamp usage at its highest in U.S. history, Obama phones in our pockets, U.S. autoworkers propped up by government bailouts, 99 weeks of Obama money via unemployment checks, three meals a day provided in public schools and the list goes on ad nauseam.

As a result of these things, many have been lured into looking to the state as an end-all-be-all for life’s harder moments. Thus, 911 is dialed not just for true emergencies, but also because someone can’t find the movie theater, or because their children aren’t behaving, or because Burger King got their order wrong.

Moreover, many people who don’t abuse 911 in this way still look to the government more than they realize, because they float through life trusting the state for their personal safety. If you think about it, everyone who lives life without keeping a gun near for personal protection is depending on the state to protect them. Actually, they are depending on the state to protect them, their family and their property.

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