Great News: Rep. Heather Scott is Sponsoring Constitutional Carry in Idaho!

Last week, we informed you that the Republican leadership in the House was blocking efforts to push constitutional carry legislation, which would allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms without a permit.

Part of the problem was that the GOP leaders were discouraging their members from pushing the bill that the leadership itself had not “sanctioned.”

Well, GOA is happy to report that a brave Republican freshman, Rep. Heather Scott (Dist-1), has agreed to buck the leadership and is now sponsoring and pushing HB 89.

Constitutional Carry has a much better chance of moving, now that HB 89 has a chief advocate.

ACTION: Now that HB 89 has a sponsor, please take these three very important (but very brief) action items:

(1) Please ask your Representative to cosponsor and support HB 89. By clicking on the link here, your state Representative will be automatically selected, and you can send a pre-written letter to him or her.

(2) Thank Rep. Heather Scott (R) for her boldness in bucking the leadership and defending Second Amendment rights.  You can compose a quick note and email her at [email protected]

(3) Tell the Judiciary Committee Chairman and the House Speaker (see contact information below) that this legislation should be a top priority for the Republican House!

CONTACT INFORMATION for Committee Chairman Tom Loertscher:

Email 1: [email protected] 

Email 2: [email protected]

Phone: (208)332-1183

CONTACT INFORMATION for House Speaker Scott Bedke:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (208)332-1111

—– Pre-written letter for Chairman Loertscher and Speaker Bedke —–


I agree with Gun Owners of America that HB 89 is one of the most important bills in the Idaho legislature right now.

But from what I’m hearing, there are no plans on your part to move this legislation.  Why is that?

The concept of “constitutional carry” is simple:  An individual’s ability to exercise his or her Second Amendment rights shouldn’t depend on a “permit” from the government.

I don’t need a government license to write a book.  So why should I have to get the government’s okay in order to carry a firearm to protect myself and my family?

I would ask you to make sure HB 89 comes up for a committee vote and then is send to the full House.

Please let me know what you intend to do.
