This Oregon Bill May be the Worst Anti-gun Legislation You’ve Ever Seen

Gun Grabbers Looking for New Ways to Keep You from Owning Guns

ACTION:  Contact your state legislators and tell them to vote NO on any bill that would allow college professors, employers, family members or “health care providers” to secretly report you to the government and have you banned from owning a gun.

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You could be Secretly Blacklisted and Prevented from Owning a Gun!

In almost 30 years of fighting for gun rights, I just read one of the most disturbing pieces of legislation I have ever seen.

Anti-gun radicals in the Oregon Legislature are pushing an insane bill creating a secret gun ban list.  You can read the bill here

The bill — whose current draft number is LC 250 — allows a wide variety of people, who may not even know you, to secretly report you to government, claim you are “mentally ill” and have you secretly placed on a gun ban list.

Under the bill, virtually any school employee, immediate family members or “health care providers” can secretly report you to the government and have you banned from owning a gun.

If this passes, every gun owner in Oregon is in danger of having their rights stripped.

Contact your state legislators NOW and tell them to vote NO on any bill creating a mental health gun ban registry.

There are few legal safeguards to protect you from being placed on the gun ban list.

In fact, under this bill, anti-gun activists like liberal college professors could spend hours tracking down and reporting every gun owner they know. 

You will not be told if you are placed on the list.

The reports are anonymous, so you are forbidden from knowing who reported you or from facing your accuser.

And the only way to get your name cleared is to PROVE that you are not a danger to yourself or others.

It is possible that you would have to spend thousands of dollars to prove to the government you are not mentally ill.

It is a wholesale attack on the Constitution.

Contact your state legislators NOW and tell them to vote NO on any bill creating a mental health gun ban registry.

Thank you in advance for taking action!

P.S.  Contact your state legislators NOW and tell them to vote NO on any bill creating a mental health gun ban registry.  This is one of the worst bills I have seen in almost 30 years.  

The draft bill creates a secret database of gun owners who will be stripped of their rights without accusation or due process of law.  All it takes is one call from an anti-gun activist claiming a person is mentally ill.  This is the gun ban totalitarian’s dream. 

You can also call your state legislators at 800-332-2313.  The message is:  vote NO on any bill creating a mental health gun ban registry.

P.P.S.:  The above information pertains to the first proposed version of the bill.  GOA sent an email alert to its members which detailed the provisions in the bill prior to its introduction.  Key changes in the introduced version of this bill include:  removing “employers” from the list of people who could report you as mentally ill, adding “immediate” before “family members,” and limiting the number of days that your guns be seized to 30 days.